AWS CLI - Part 1: Install
One of the main issues encountered with hosting 360˚ panoramas on AWS buckets is the time it takes to upload the thousands of multiresolution tiles that make up the panoramas. Using the AWS Console to upload 360˚ Panorama projects can be incredibly slow however using AWS CLI the speed of the upload process can be dramatically increased.
Part 1: Install takes you through Download, Installing and Testing the AWS CLI Application
AWS CLI - Part 2: Configure
One of the main issues encountered with hosting 360˚ panoramas on AWS buckets is the time it takes to upload the thousands of multiresolution tiles that make up the panoramas. Using the AWS Console to upload 360˚ Panorama projects can be incredibly slow however using AWS CLI the speed of the upload process can be dramatically increased.
Part 2: Configure shows you how to create an Identity Access Management (IAM) user, collect configuration data and configure the CLI.
AWS CLI - Part 3: Upload
One of the main issues encountered with hosting 360˚ panoramas on AWS buckets is the time it takes to upload the thousands of multiresolution tiles that make up the panoramas. Using the AWS Console to upload 360˚ Panorama projects can be incredibly slow however using AWS CLI the speed of the upload process can be dramatically increased.
Part 3: Upload shows how to upload your local files to your S3 Bucket/s and highlights some other useful Command line operations.
Mask the Long S3 URL - Updated
Most of my 360˚ panoramas are hosted on S3 and then posted into Squarespace using the Code Block and an iFrame. Occasionally I want to provide a url that points directly to the file itself and in this case I want the url's to look like this rather than
This is a step-by-step illustrated tutorial on how to set up an S3 Bucket and create a subdomain in GoDaddy to mask the S3 URL.
Create an AWS Account
Update 5 January 2021: I’ve updated this tutorial with the latest screen captures and workflow
An increasing number of 360˚ Panorama photographers are hosting their final output files on the Amazon S3 platform. This short tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to open an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to enable access to the services provided.
Mask the Long S3 URL
Update 2/04/2021: I have updated this tutorial to reflect UI changes within ASW S3. You can find the updated tutorial here
This is a step-by-step illustrated tutorial on how to set up an S3 Bucket and create a subdomain in GoDaddy to mask the S3 URL.