If you are trying to run the droplets supplied with the Using Droplets to create 360˚ panoramas for Facebook Timeline, Google+ & Twitter blog and you see the following error message or something similar. (illustration #1) then it's possible your Pano2VR application is in a different location or renamed. The path that the droplets use to locate the installed version of Pano2VR is determined when the droplet is originally made.
#1. Error message when launching app
In this case the droplet is looking for the application in the top level root of Applications but I've moved my application into a folder called Panoramas within Applications and I've renamed it Pano2VR4.5.1 so I'll need to modify the path to point to the correct location.
Modifying the Path
1. Click on the Edit button, you will see the following error message. (illustration #2)
#2. Open Dictionary error message
2. Click on the OK button, this will open the a script into the AppleScript Editor. (illustration #3)
#3 AppleScript Editor window
3. Change the two instances of exePath "/Applications/Pano2VR.app/Contents/MacOS/pano2vr" to the location where you app is and ,if required, it's correct name. In my case the new exePath would be "/Applications/Panoramas/Pano2VR4.5.1.app/Contents/MacOS/pano2vr" (illustration #4)
#4 AppleScript Editor window with updated exePaths
4. Select the Run button and a second or two later the Pano2VR project window will open (illustration #5)
#5 Pano2VR project window
5. Close the Pano2VR project window without making any modifications to it.
6. Close the AppleScript Editor window. You will see the following message. (illustration #6)
#6 AppleScript Editor message
7. Select Discard. Double click on the 6x3_Drop.app to launch it and the Pano2VR project window will open. Repeat with the 8x4_Drop.app and when complete return to the Using Droplets to create 360˚ panoramas for Facebook Timeline, Google+ & Twitter blog.